The greater the obstacle, the more the glory in overcoming it.
— Moliéré
Right here, right now, in this moment, take a pause and think about the worst thing that can happen to you as a person. Imagine it play out. Imagine yourself live through it for a few minutes.
Done? Great. So it happened, was it so bad? Did you not build character and capacity through it all? Did you not survive it? Did it not teach you and make you who you are? Did you not become grateful in the end that it all happened?
So what are you afraid of?
The truth is, all the things we are so scared of aren't as bad as we think. What makes them so terrible is the fear and worry we dedicate to them. It is this fear and worry that keep us locked in our beds, that keep us hemmed in our comfort zones and then make us amount to nothing.
Death in itself is not so bad, you know? It is the fear of death that cripples us from living and enjoying life's gifts. Failure is not so bad. It is the fear of failure that stops us from trying. Rejection isn't so terrible, you know? It is the fear that you might be rejected that keeps you in mediocrity.
Death in itself is not so bad, you know? It is the fear of death that cripples us from living and enjoying life's gifts.
Imagine what will happen to your life if you overcome these fears? Imagine what will happen to your person, the type of capacity and strength you will build if all of these things happen to you and you live through it all? You will have shed all those fears, because all that you thought was the worst that could happen to you already happened. Now nothing is stopping you anymore.
The big news is, all these things won't happen to you if you don't decide not to step out. Pay attention to this, failure is a testimony that you have attempted to create something. Be proud of it. Rejection is a testimony that you have knocked, sought, and asked for something with the aim of creating a better life for yourself. Never be ashamed of it. Death itself is a testimony that you lived. Be graceful in it. Yes! Nobody dies except they first live!
I am using these three instances because they are the bane of the fears we face as humans. Imagine what you will become on the other side of those fears! And in fact, many times, the worst case scenarios don't happen. Many things we are worried about that cause us to be paralysed don't even happen! We are merely standing in our own way!
Many times, the worst case scenarios don't happen.
We have so much love to give, so much creativity to unveil, so much growth to achieve, so much value to give to our world that we can't let fear kill the buzz in us. Don't be too scared of failure that you don't pursue success.
You haven't decided on what you want to do this year simply because you're scared of failing. You didn't even set goals for yourself this year simply because you don't want to fail or let yourself down. Ah! If you don't have goals, how will you know you're growing? By what measure will you hold yourself?
If you don't have goals, how will you know you're growing? By what measure will you hold yourself?
Those things which we fear the most are not supposed to be feared, for they are testimonies to our submission in life. Face them with your full chest and develop the strength of character that you need to become all that you can be. You become fearless when you cross to the other side of fear, and the only way you can cross to the other side is going through it, and when you become fearless, you are just "consistency" away from conquering the world.
Unless you want to be a liar, you'd have to agree with me that every turbulence you have experienced has taught you more than anything else. Every betrayal, every pain, every rejection, every failure, every loss, everything you have considered terrible in the past has built you better than anything else. So, was it so bad?
The only way out is through! The Obstacle is The Way. That which you think is there to stop you is only there to build you. Don't treat it like a wall. Treat it like a bridge to the next level. The obstacle in the path is the path!
That which you think is there to stop you is only there to build you. Don't treat it like a wall. Treat it like a bridge.
What are you so afraid of? What is that which will make your life better but you're so afraid to venture into this year? Well, do it afraid. What's the worst that can happen? If it happens, so what?
To your growth
Abiola Okunsanya,
Handzinspired. ✨
There's no worst without it's best part and it is that, it makes us stronger 😂.God help us.Thank you once again for sharing this Sir
This was needed 🥹